Building a Large-scale Distributed Storage System Based on Raft
In recent years, building a large-scale distributed storage system has become a hot topic. Distributed consensus algorithms like Paxos and Raft are the focus of many technical articles. But those articles tend to be introductory, describing the basics of the algorithm and log replication. They seldom cover how to build a large-scale distributed storage system based on the distributed consensus algorithm.
Since April 2015, we PingCAP have been building TiKV, a large-scale open source distributed database based on Raft. It’s the core storage component of TiDB, an open source distributed NewSQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads. Earlier in 2019, we conducted an official Jepsen test on TiDB, and the Jepsen test report was published in June 2019. In July the same year, we announced that TiDB 3.0 reached general availability, delivering stability at scale and performance boost.
In this article, I’d like to share some of our firsthand experience in designing a large-scale distributed storage system based on the Raft consensus algorithm.
Scaling a distributed storage system
The first thing I want to talk about is scaling. The core of a distributed storage system is nothing more than two points: one is the sharding strategy, and the other is metadata storage. Keeping applications transparent and consistent in the sharding process is crucial to a storage system with elastic scalability.
If a storage system only has a static data sharding strategy, it is hard to elastically scale with application transparency. Such systems include MySQL static routing middleware like Cobar, Redis middleware like Twemproxy, and so on. All these systems are difficult to scale seamlessly.
Before moving on to elastic scalability, I’d like to talk about several sharding strategies.
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