Effective Spark DataFrames With Alluxio

Many organizations deploy Alluxio together with Spark for performance gains and data manageability benefits. Qunar recently deployed Alluxio in production, and their Spark streaming jobs sped up by 15x on average and up to 300x during peak times. They noticed that some Spark jobs would slow down or would not finish, but with Alluxio, those jobs could finish quickly. In this blog post, we investigate how Alluxio helps Spark be more effective. Alluxio increases performance of Spark jobs, helps Spark jobs perform more predictably, and enables multiple Spark jobs to share the same data from memory. Previously, we investigated how Alluxio is used for Spark RDDs. In this article, we investigate how to effectively use Spark DataFrames with Alluxio.

Alluxio and Spark Cache
Storing Spark DataFrames in Alluxio memory is very simple, and only requires saving the DataFrame as a file to Alluxio. This is very simple with the Spark DataFrame write API. DataFrames are commonly written as parquet files, with df.write.parquet(). After the parquet is written to Alluxio, it can be read from memory by using sqlContext.read.parquet().

In order to understand how saving DataFrames to Alluxio compares with using Spark cache, we ran a few simple experiments. We used a single worker Amazon EC2 r3.2xlarge instance, with 61 GB of memory, and 8 cores. We used Spark 2.0.0 and Alluxio 1.2.0 with the default configurations. We ran both Spark and Alluxio in standalone mode on the node. For the experiment, we tried different ways of caching Spark DataFrames, and saving DataFrames in Alluxio, and measured how the various techniques affect performance. We also varied the size of the data to show how data size affects performance.

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