Data scientist salaries and jobs in Europe - 2018 snapshot
Glassdoor names “Data Scientist” as the best job in the United States for 2019 and LinkedIn ranks it number one among the top 10. Topping the list for four years in a row, Data Scientist has a job score of 4.7, job satisfaction rating of 4.3 with 6,510 open positions paying a median base salary of $108,000 in the U.S. But what is the scenario for Data Scientists in Europe? What is the demand and supply? Which countries in EU are the best destinations for Data Scientists and what salaries can they expect? A recent report titled Data Science Salary Report 2019 Europe by Big Cloud answers some of these critical questions.
First, a little flashback: According to a report by the European Commission in 2017, the number of data workers in Europe will increase up to 10.43 million, with a compound average growth rate of 14.1% by 2020. The EU forecasted to face a data skills gap corresponding to 769,000 unfilled positions by 2020 in the baseline scenario and being concentrated in particular in the large Member States (especially Germany and France). The European Commission suggests that 100,000 new data-related jobs will be created in Europe by 2020. Hence, there are huge opportunities to be deployed from the digitalisation of European industries.
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First, a little flashback: According to a report by the European Commission in 2017, the number of data workers in Europe will increase up to 10.43 million, with a compound average growth rate of 14.1% by 2020. The EU forecasted to face a data skills gap corresponding to 769,000 unfilled positions by 2020 in the baseline scenario and being concentrated in particular in the large Member States (especially Germany and France). The European Commission suggests that 100,000 new data-related jobs will be created in Europe by 2020. Hence, there are huge opportunities to be deployed from the digitalisation of European industries.
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