KSQL the new streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka
The recently introduced KSQL, the streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka, substantially lowers the bar to entry for the world of stream processing. Instead of writing a lot of programming code, all you need to get started with stream processing is a simple SQL statement, such as:
That’s it! And while this might not be immediately obvious, the above streaming query of KSQL is distributed, scalable, elastic, and real time to meet the data needs of businesses today.
Of course, you can do much more with KSQL than I have shown in the simple example above. KSQL is open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) and built on top of Kafka’s Streams API. This means it supports a wide range of powerful stream processing operations, including filtering, transformations, aggregations, joins, windowing, and sessionization. This way you can detect anomalies and fraudulent activities in real time, monitor infrastructure and IoT devices, conduct session-based analysis of user activities, perform real-time ETL, and much more.
Now you may wonder, what can I use KSQL for? Here are some further examples of what you can easily do with it.
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