What Open Source Software Do You Use?

To gather insights on the current and future state of open source software (OSS), we talked to 31 executives. This is nearly double the number we speak to for a research guide and believe this reiterates the popularity of, acceptance of, and demand for OSS.
We began by asking, "What Open Source software do you use?" As you would expect, most respondents are using several versions of open source software. Here's what they told us:


  • Apache Cassandra, Elassandra (ElasticSearch + Cassandra), Spark, and Kafka (as the core tech we provide through our managed service) are the big ones for us. We find that the governance arrangements and independence of the Apache Foundation make a great foundation for strong open source projects.
  • 95% of what we do with big data is open source. We use Apache Hadoop and contribute back to grow skills and expertise.
  • We use so much that it would be impossible to list. The core of our software is based on Apache Solr and Apache Spark. We contribute to Solr extensively.
  • Apache license project. Building blocks Apache Arrow started and led. In memory columnar data. Apache Calcite SQL processing engine used by Hive. Apache Parquet store columnar data on disk. Other projects to streamline engineering efforts. Frontend JavaScript React. Apache Zookeeper coordinates different states. RocksDB from Facebook to manage metadata.
  • We use several projects from the Apache Software Foundation within its own operations, such as Apache CXFApache KarafApache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ, and Apache Beam. We also use Eclipse projects like ECP.
  • We are directly contributing to Apache Flink and Apache Beam. We work with a plethora of projects in the ecosystem, like Kafka, the Hadoop stack, the Scala ecosystem, etc. For our product, the dA Platform 2 (an out-of-the-box stream processing platform) we are building heavily on Kubernetes.
  • The data processing layer of Magellan is based on Apache Spark and runs on Hadoop, both household names in Open Source. 
  • We contribute to open source projects, but it is also a big consumer of open source software. Many of our products use common open source libraries from Apache Foundation. We enable integrations with a range of ecosystems which have significant open source tooling built around them. We use open source software from a range of major companies – amongst them are ApacheLinux, and Eclipse foundations. Chief platforms used by us are Apache Commons, Maven, Eclipse, and Ant.
  • We use many different open source software components when building real-time streaming analytics applications for our customers. Some examples of open source software we use include Apache Apex for real-time streaming, Drools for adaptive rules, Druid for OLAP, Apache Kafka for message transport and Apache Spark for machine learning.


  • Internally, we use compilers such as GCC and Clang to build software, Linux as our development and testing environment, tools such as Docker and Kubernetes to make it easy to deploy the database. We use Nginx as a load balancer, and Apache Spark to analyze data. All of these are open source software.
  • We use Linux to build and run. Use Linux kernel APIs for performance. We also use the GCC compiler and C++17.
  • We use and produce open source products. Our solutions are based on LinuxDockerKubernetes. Zenko is our new product and is open source for petabytes of storage.
  • That’s a hard question because there isn’t any one open source ecosystem. The open source ecosystem that gives us the Linux operating system is quite different from the open source ecosystem that works on statistical analysis and the R programming language, which is again different from the open source ecosystem around JavaScript. 
  • We use open source software at all levels. At the core, we use Selenium and Appium for the actual automating that we do. The service above that is written in Python and runs on Linux, and so is open in those ways. 
  • We use OSS in our backend and frontend software components, application servers, programming languages, databases, testing tools and operating systems. Linux, components from the Apache Software Foundation, Glassfish, Node & NPM, and JavaScript components like JQuery are just some of the hundreds of Open Source projects we depend on.


  • Open source frameworks such as OpenStack and Kubernetes, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Jenkins, and others.


  • Not applicable as we are a creator of Open Source software; however, our product is reliant upon Docker, which is based on the Moby open-source software.
  • Integrate and manage Docker, MongoDB, and the .Net framework. We use Linuxsoftware from Red Hat to build and tune our Linux product. We use open SSL to encrypt messages.


  • Not really relevant to us as we see all types. It’s more a question of time and are you staying current with releases. If 90 to 95 percent of code is open source and you “set it and forget it,” you’re only keeping five to 10% of your application up to date, and this is why more than 75% of applications have vulnerabilities.
  • Project Flogo and the technology behind it in itself is open source. We also leverage things like Kafka, AWS' open source SDKs, TensorFlow, and a number of different open source HTTP style interfaces.
  • C++
  • We support all open source software around our four areas of focus: cloud, data, AI, and transactions.
  • GNU Step cross-platform library to which we also make significant contributions. Web tools based on the Ruby stack and we contribute Ruby Gems. IDP library for remote access. TensorFlow library for the AI side.
  • At the moment, we use around 50 different libraries, most of them from the Java ecosystem. 
  • Erlang OTB for cluster management for memory management and IO in C and C++. Nickle query is written in Go. Full-text search capability – created Bloody widely used full-text search library written in Go.
  • Our commercial software is built upon a solid foundation of open source software like PostgreSQLElasticSearchnginx, and our user interfaces use AngularNode.JSTypescript, and many other components. And of course, we use our own open source projects like ChefInSpec, and Habitat to build, deploy and manage both our on-premise and cloud offerings.
  • All of the projects we work with at are published using an Open Source Initiative (OSI)-approved license. As a member of the community, we recognize using an open source license is not enough – successful open source projects must also be open for collaboration. We are proud to work with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, LocationTech, OGC, and other open source incubation foundations that address this need. 
  • We support integration and the following open source ecosystems and platforms: 1) Selenium for web application test automation; 2) Jenkins for software development and delivery automation; 3) MQTT and CoAP tooling for IoT testing; 4) Cucumber and SpecFlow for Behavior Driven Development processes; and, 5) IDEs including IntelliJ and Eclipse.
  • We use a wide variety of different OSS tools in our stack. We build our software with open source languages and compilers such as C (via GCC and Clang), GoRubyPythonPerl, and Rust. We use Linux on our servers and much of our networking hardware. Inside our software, we use a huge variety of open source software, from the most popular frameworks down to small libraries like libfsm. Even our testing strategies involve open source software such as Theft. Finally, the core of our product is Varnish, a well-known open source reverse proxy server.
  • We are deeply committed to WordPress. We contribute time, code, support, and are deeply involved in the passionate WordPress community. Our top priority is providing the best-managed WordPress experience available, and that means using whatever tools necessary to make WordPress run and scale smoothly.  We’ve got firm roots in the LAMP stack, and we’ve invested heavily in OpenStackCeph, and Kubernetes, too!
