Data Mesh Principles and Logical Architecture v2
Our aspiration to augment and improve every aspect of business and life with data, demands a paradigm shift in how we manage data at scale. While the technology advances of the past decade have addressed the scale of volume of data and data processing compute, they have failed to address scale in other dimensions: changes in the data landscape, proliferation of sources of data, diversity of data use cases and users, and speed of response to change. Data mesh addresses these dimensions, founded in four principles: domain-oriented decentralized data ownership and architecture, data as a product, self-serve data infrastructure as a platform, and federated computational governance. Each principle drives a new logical view of the technical architecture and organizational structure.
The original writeup, How to Move Beyond a Monolithic Data Lake to a Distributed Data Mesh - which I encourage you to read before joining me back here - empathized with today’s pain points of architectural and organizational challenges in order to become data-driven, use data to compete, or use data at scale to drive value. It offered an alternative perspective which since has captured many organizations’ attention, and given hope for a different future. While the original writeup describes the approach, it leaves many details of the design and implementation to one’s imagination. I have no intention of being too prescriptive in this article, and kill the imagination and creativity around data mesh implementation. However I think it’s only responsible to clarify the architectural aspects of data mesh as a stepping stone to move the paradigm forward.
This article is written with the intention of a follow up. It summarizes the data mesh approach by enumerating its underpinning principles, and the high level logical architecture that the principles drive. Establishing the high level logical model is a necessary foundation before I dive into detailed architecture of data mesh core components in future articles. Hence, if you are in search of a prescription around exact tools and recipes for data mesh, this article may disappoint you. If you are seeking a simple and technology-agnostic model that establishes a common language, come along.
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