14 ways AWS beats Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud have their advantages, but they don’t match the breadth and depth of the Amazon cloud.
For all of its dominance, though, Amazon has strong competitors. Companies like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Rackspace, Linnode, and Digital Ocean know that they must establish a real presence in the cloud and they are finding clever ways to compete and excel in what is less and less a commodity business. These rivals offer great products with different and sometimes better approaches. In many cases, they’re running neck and neck with AWS. And if what you’re after is a commodity machine, well, their commodity Linux instance will run the same code as AWS.
Sometimes the competitors not only match AWS for commodity products, but they actually do a better job. These advantages often appear when the competitors link their cloud to parts of the computer ecosystem that they already dominate. If you want to use .NET code, you’ll find it just a bit easier on Microsoft Azure. If you want to use Google’s G Suite of web-based office productivity tools, it’s no surprise that they’re well-integrated with Google Cloud Platform.
Still, for all of these competitors’ innovation and success, Amazon continues to outshine them in many ways—and the words “many ways” is a pretty good summary of Amazon’s approach. The company has evolved a strong, consistent style that might be described as overwhelming. The AWS cloud offers at least 10 different databases and another nine different products lumped in a separate category called “storage.” There are dozens of different types of machine available in dozens of different configurations of RAM and CPUs and you can arrange for Amazon to scale them automatically when the load increases.
Indeed, the greatest advantage of AWS may be the sheer overwhelming number of options. Most of the time, someone there has faced the same problem that’s confounding you and they’ve set up a team to productize a solution. You just have to work your way through all of the options.
Here are just 14 of the ways AWS beats Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
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