The Forrester Wave™: Big Data NoSQL, Q1 2019
Key Takeaways
MongoDB, Microsoft, Couchbase, AWS, Google, And Redis Labs Lead The Pack
Forrester's research uncovered a market in which MongoDB, Microsoft, Couchbase, AWS, Google, and Redis Labs are Leaders; MarkLogic, DataStax, Aerospike, Oracle, Neo4j, and IBM are Strong Performers; and SAP, ArangoDB, and RavenDB are Contenders.
Performance, Scalability, Multimodel, And Security Are Key Differentiators
The Leaders we identified support a broader set of use cases, automation, good scalability and performance, and security offerings. The Strong Performers have turned up the heat on the incumbents. Contenders offer lower costs and are ramping up their core NoSQL functionality.
NoSQL is more than a decade old. It has gone from supporting simple schemaless apps to becoming a mission-critical data platform for large Fortune 1000 companies. It has already disrupted the database market, which was dominated for decades by relational database vendors. Today, half of global data and analytics technology decision makers either have implemented or are implementing NoSQL platforms, taking advantage of the benefits of a flexible database that serves a broad range of use cases. (see endnote 1) Enterprises like NoSQL's ability to scale out using low-cost servers and a flexible, schemaless model that can store, process, and access any type of business data. NoSQL platforms give EA pros greater control over data storage and processing, along with a configuration that accelerates application deployments. While many organizations are complementing their relational databases with NoSQL, some have started to replace them to support improved performance, scale, and lower their database costs.
Forrester defines big data NoSQL as:
A nonrelational database management system that provides storage, processing, and accessing of any type of data and which supports a horizontal, scale-out architecture based on a schemaless and flexible data model.
NoSQL Vendors Continue To Deliver Enterprise Features To Support Complex Workloads
NoSQL covers a range of nonrelational databases, such as key-value, document, and graph databases, that are optimized for a new generation of business apps, including social media, customer 360, advanced insights, real-time, and operational apps. NoSQL vendors are delivering innovative features, such as AI and machine learning automation, integration with Apache Spark and streaming technology, support for SQL and simplified APIs, and extensive administrative tools. Enterprises seeking NoSQL platforms should look for vendors that:
Focus on AI/machine learning automation deployment capabilities. With organizations ramping up their NoSQL database deployments, the need for greater automation has become critical. This includes automating provisioning, tuning, optimization, indexing, patching, upgrading, high availability, and security. These capabilities not only accelerate deployments; they also support larger and more complex applications with minimal effort. Enterprise buyers should take heed of the various differences in AI/machine learning automation offerings and carefully map them to their specific requirements, now and for the future.
Press the advantages of open source. Digital transformation often runs on open source software. (see endnote 2) Today, open source NoSQL solutions are stable and ready for primetime. Enterprises like NoSQL's rapidly evolving ecosystem, low cost, minimized vendor lock-in, and easier customization for complex deployments. While many NoSQL vendors offer open source solutions, look for vendors that lead active NoSQL communities, contribute software to enhance the open source platform, and engage with customers to drive innovation. Pricing, packaging, and support services also differentiate the vendors.
Integrate with large ecosystems for tools and technologies. NoSQL databases are the foundation on which to build great, modern business applications and support advanced insights. However, NoSQL needs a strong ecosystem of tools and technologies offered by partners that can help accelerate deployments. These include tools to support data integration, data quality, security, governance, distributed management, and data pipelining. When acquiring a NoSQL platform, EA pros should look at the breadth and depth of partnerships the vendor supports to take advantage of their tools and services.
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