Real-Time Stock Processing With Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka

Implementing Streaming Use Case From REST to Hive With Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka
Part 1

With Apache Kafka 2.0 and Apache NiFi 1.8, there are many new features and abilities coming out. It's time to put them to the test.
So to plan out what we are going to do, I have a high-level architecture diagram. We are going to ingest a number of sources including REST feeds, Social Feeds, Messages, Images, Documents, and Relational Data.

We will ingest with NiFi and then filter, process, and segment it into Kafka topics. Kafka data will be in Apache Avro format with schemas specified in the Hortonworks Schema Registry. Spark and NiFi will do additional event processing along with machine learning and deep learning. This will be stored in Druid for real-time analytics and summaries. Hive, HDFS, and S3 will store the data for permanent storage. We will do dashboards with Superset and Spark SQL + Zeppelin.

We will also push back cleaned and aggregated data to subscribers via Kafka and NiFi. We will push to Dockerized applications, message listeners, web clients, Slack channels, and email mailing lists.

To be useful in our enterprise, we will have full authorization, authentication, auditing, data encryption, and data lineage via Apache Ranger, Apache Atlas, and Apache NiFi. NiFi Registry and GitHub will be used for source code control.

We will have administration capabilities via Apache Ambari.

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