Dremio 2.1 is shipped with many new features!

This is a major release that includes many new features, performance improvements, and hundreds of stability enhancements - see the highlights and more details below.

Dremio 2.1 Technical Deep Dive• Elasticsearch 6. Dremio now supports the latest versions of Elasticsearch. Enjoy full SQL support, including JOINs, Window functions, and accelerated analytics through any BI tool, including Tableau and Power BI. We also added support for compressing Elasticsearch responses to minimize network traffic. 

• Approximate count distinct acceleration. Dremio now supports accelerating count distinct queries based on an approximation-based algorithm (HyperLogLog). This provides a faster and more memory efficient way of providing distinct counts and is especially useful in high cardinality scenarios with very large datasets. 

• Faster ORC performance. Data encoded in ORC is now significantly faster to access and more memory efficient for ORC managed in Hive sources. 

• Support for AWS GovCloud. Now the extensive S3 functionality provided by Dremio is available to AWS GovCloud users. 

• Fine-grained controls for aggregation Data Reflections.Dremio now supports the ability to set/unset measures per field when setting up aggregation Data Reflections. You can now set/unset COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM, and approximate count distinct separately per field. 

• Join optimizations. Dremio now groups multiple joins together and orders them in the most efficient way allowing us to capture more use cases. In addition, Dremio will correlate queries (subquery comparison to a top query), and may now do fewer JOINS and scans of tables, improving performance. 

• SSL encryption when connecting to Oracle. Dremio now supports connecting to Oracle over TLS using the JDBC thin driver. This is certified to work with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) and (11.x.0.x). 

• REST API-based security management. We added several new security-related REST APIs and improved the Data Catalog API to allow managing security on all endpoints. 

Dremio 2.1 - Technical Deep Dive >>>
