Best Machine Learning Tools

The best trained soldiers can’t fulfill their mission empty-handed. Data scientists have their own weapons — machine learning (ML) software. There is already a cornucopia of articles listing reliable machine learning tools with in-depth descriptions of their functionality. Our goal, however, was to get the feedback of industry experts.
And that’s why we interviewed data science practitioners — gurus, really —regarding the useful tools they choose for their projects. The specialists we contacted have various fields of expertise and are working in such companies as Facebook and Samsung. Some of them represent AI startups (Objection Co, NEAR.AI, and Respeecher); some teach at universities (Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics). The AltexSoft data science team joined the discussion, too.
And if you’re looking for a particular type of tools, just skip to your sector of interest:
  • Languages used in machine learning
  • Data analytics and visualization tools
  • Frameworks for general machine learning
  • Frameworks for neural network modeling
  • Big data tools
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