
Showing posts from December, 2021

Dec 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems

  Database management systems continue their move to the cloud — a move that is producing an increasingly complex landscape of vendors and offerings. This Magic Quadrant will help data and analytics leaders make the right choices in a complex and fast-evolving market. Strategic Planning Assumptions By 2025, cloud preference for data management will substantially reduce the vendor landscape while the growth in multicloud will increase the complexity for data governance and integration. By 2022, cloud database management system (DBMS) revenue will account for 50% of the total DBMS market revenue. These DBMSs reflect optimization strategies designed to support transactions and/or analytical processing for one or more of the following use cases:     Traditional and augmented transaction processing     Traditional and logical data warehouse     Data science exploration/deep learning     Stream/event processing   ...

AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Cloud Web Services Comparison in Detail

  The following post focuses on AWS, MS Azure, and GCP in detail. Learn more about each cloud service and how to choose the best one for your business needs.  Digitalization is being embraced by all of us across the globe, especially cloud computing technology. Whether it's because of its scalability or security or reduced costs, cloud platforms have sprung up to a great extent over a few years. Gone are the days when businesses were confused about whether to choose a cloud service provider or not. Now the confusion surrounds the question of which cloud service provider to use. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are our top three contenders. Recently, I happen to stumble upon an informative post focusing on AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions. I must say this one was quite detailed and well-structured. Here they have successfully covered all the aspects that are essential and dominating while we compare lambda vs azure. And I am pretty sure considering both the posts together will act a...