AGILE-IoT: More Than Just Another IoT Project
The AGILE-IoT project ( ), co-funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, aims to address this concern, by providing a solution based on four main pillars: Agnosticity : depending on the technical background of the platform user, the background of his organisation or the software components he has to (re-) use, we cannot predict what would be the programming language of the solution. It might be built with a combination of languages, some of them being compiled (e.g., C, C++), others translated into intermediate languages (e.g., Java, Python) and, finally, some others interpreted (e.g., JavaScript). If the user chooses one platform because of the programming language(s) it supports, he may limit his options for developing his solution. AGILE-IoT, by leveraging a micro-service-based architecture, supports all the programming languages a platform user might require to implement their solution. Openness : Lots of platforms are provided by ...